Sunday, 23 March 2014

Swimming, Petone Beach, Discovery Time, Wheelies on EOTC Week

Noelleena and the girls stopped for a photo at the Weltec playground. We remembered to wear our hats!!


Jesse enjoying  the aeroplane making session with Joe and Solomon - let's hope they'll fly eh! Got to decorate them carefully first.

Making fish kites - Noah, Maggie, Rosa, Leilani

Busy making sandcastles at Petone Beach but we have time to pose for a memorable photo..

Hooray!, we're ready to start a bonfire to celebrate our completed sandy village development

On wheels around the school - Follow ..the... arrow...!

Way to go Sarah, ready for a somersault!

Nearly there - just a few more buckets of water eh Maggie!

Harriet  and the girls are all set for task infront of them!


  1. Wow! Kea class looked like they had a great EOTC week especially at the beach!

  2. EOTC week looks fun I hope you enjoyed it
