Sunday, 23 March 2014

Swimming, Petone Beach, Discovery Time, Wheelies on EOTC Week

Noelleena and the girls stopped for a photo at the Weltec playground. We remembered to wear our hats!!


Jesse enjoying  the aeroplane making session with Joe and Solomon - let's hope they'll fly eh! Got to decorate them carefully first.

Making fish kites - Noah, Maggie, Rosa, Leilani

Busy making sandcastles at Petone Beach but we have time to pose for a memorable photo..

Hooray!, we're ready to start a bonfire to celebrate our completed sandy village development

On wheels around the school - Follow ..the... arrow...!

Way to go Sarah, ready for a somersault!

Nearly there - just a few more buckets of water eh Maggie!

Harriet  and the girls are all set for task infront of them!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Wellington Zoo on EOTC Week

Noah checking out the Zero Heroes!

In the zoo school room - we got to touch the hedgehog and a lizard and also the tortoise shell.
Feeding the giraffe
William and Noelleena - What a T R A N S F O R M A T I O N!
Time for a snack before heading back to school.
Is that the Tasmanian Devil Kien?
Hitting the drums at the Green recycling corner.

Beginning of Year 2014 School Mass

The Junior classes performing  "This Little Light of Mine" at the school mass.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Duffy theatre visits today

The whole school watching Duffy and Uncle Bingo.