Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Kea WoW Designing Session

Kea working on their WoW designs in pairs

Noelleena and Jane : the eel costumes
Gabe and Lui designing a rockpool

Milla and Lily desinging Sina's costumes

Noah and Angus: coconuts
Maggie and Harriet : Sina and her friends costumes
Jessie and Riley discussed the warriors' costumes

William working on the warrior's costume

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Maths on Computer

The Kea tamariki enjoyed the opportunity to use the computer to solve simple mathematical problems and had fun playing maths games too. 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Wow Designing Activity

After listening to one of the Samoan myths called "Sina and the Eel", the Keas paired up to share ideas and practise their designing skills.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Milk At School

 A day to celebrate milk at school , thanks to Fonterra!.  The children enjoyed decorating their cow masks and presented them with pride.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Hail Mary!

While we were learning about the Assumption yesterday - and about to pray the Hail Mary - this happened:

Friday, 25 July 2014

Maori Language Week

It's been a great week learnng and practising Te Reo through reading, singing and dancing.  The kids have enjoyed the games, waiata and action songs taught by Gabriel and Max and also the rakau dance by Pania and Hinemoa.

                                                                   Huri Atu, Huri Mai

                                                                                   Raki Raki, quack, quack!



                  Pania's helpful children Oscar, Hinemoa and Angelica helped their mum and aunty with the rakau dance  in Kea

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Book Week

Kea has had many visitors this week to read to and tell stories and on Friday, everyone including the teachers came to school dressed up in his/her favourite character costumes.